To Love Somebody

When I recorded my latest CD in Nashville with Kenny Greenberg, we recorded 12 songs but only had the budget and time to finished 11 of them. It was always my intention to go back into the studio and finish this song back in San Diego… then life happened. Now, with the help of my patrons it is finally done and ready to be heard!! With love and gratitude here is the link for the song To Love Somebody.

But wait…there’s more. Your support has even more of an impact as 100% of the proceeds from this song will go to someone in need. I’ve chosen my sweet Jessica Smith to be the 1st recipient. Moving forward, I would like all my patrons to help decide who needs the proceeds from this song so we can continue to help make a difference and ‘Play It Forward’.

Thank you for being a unique part of my life’s work and passion, I hope it is as much of a soulfilling and healing experience for you as it is for me. Love is the only thing that’s real. Love is a choice. I choose Love. I see Love everywhere

My heart and soul thank you! ~Eve

PS If you’d like to join in on the fun and ‘Play It Forward’ with me on Patreon, here is the link.

Design by Hannah